I decided friday night that instead of sitting at my computer typing up a post I was going to hang out with my boyfriend and do "stuff" which really meant sitting around watching tv, but hey. I wasn't on the internet.
Over the weekend I never did any of the pattern work that I was hoping to get done. I was out of town saturday (Baby shower for a friend :) ) and yesterday I got my student loan so I went grocery shopping and paid all my bills.
Since my loan finally came through, I got my friend Megan (the baby shower woman) a couple of patterns off of etsy. She has a sewing machine and for a while was really into sewing stuff together, but just like I did, she let it pass as she had other things to focus on (her son!). I think the fact that she didn't know how to make fitted clothing might have been pretty discouraging as well, so I got her two different baby clothing pattern sets (She's decided to be a stay at home mom now so she'll have the time, and the need). They both have lots of different pieces of clothing (like ADORABLE overalls, pants, shirts, and jackets.. One pattern even had a hoodie!) It was pretty awesome (specially at only 2 bucks for an uncut pattern).
I also got her some easy dress patterns (Simplicity Tank dresses and BASICS Basic dresses) that could be modified into tops or skirts really easily. As far as I know she hasn't done much of anything in the way of clothing, but it's not like I have years of experience over her. I just have that awesome flat pattern class and book, and the book can be lent to someone.
I finally cleaned off my poor sewing desk. It was piled two feet high with fabric, boxes of patterns, paper scraps and school supplies. Now it is neat and lovely, but that just makes me want to pile it up with more new sewing stuff!
I wanna go back to the Joann's in Fremont and grab some more fabric. I'd like to grab maybe a couple yards of some upholstery weight, for a jacket, or bag or something else I haven't thought of. Also more dress fabric, cuz right now I only have enough for two months, and at this rate (that would be the rate I'm going in my head, of course) I'll be making more than just one dress each month. I have some great white and teal houndstooth wool that I want to make into a winter coat. Not sure what style though, as I am horrified of cutting it up and ruining the beautiful fabric forever.
I think this blog will help me maintain a creative frame of mind, and keep sewing at the forefront of my brain. I tend to get lazy and just let everything fall by the way-side.
Happy Monday! Now to go to the Rack and get me some PANTS.
I almost called and asked you if you wanted to go to Joann on Saturday, or hancock fabric on Sunday. There's a 40% off one item coupon at joann's if you are on their email list, and Hancock has Vogue and Butterick patterns on sale ($3.99 for vogue, $1.99 for butterick). I got some tee shirt patterns, and a pants patterns. And more fabric, including a super-soft rayon knit in purple that I'm hoping to use to knock off the shirt you are warring in your Cañada picture with your dress. :)