January 18, 2011


Following successfully making the January dress, in my wake of slight euphoria, I decided to keep sewing! I had a dark red double knit with a black rose print. I know. It sounds very Hot Topic (according to my sister.) but I couldn't resist it! I made it into a tank top! retro style, you could say. Ruching in the center at the bust, turning a straight tank into a sweetheart neckline. Regular inch and a half or so wide straps (which I plan on switching out for super cute triangle straps. or.. wide on top, skinny where it attaches.) Fitted to the waist, and then a cute flared half till about the hip line. a little bit shorter than hipline though. Made the waist too long again this time. That's what I get for drafting and cutting "fast and loose". But hey! after less than 12 or so hours, I have a cute, fitted, soft tank top!

I'm totally sold on doubleknit. it's thick, soft, and stretchy! I want to make some awesome clothing (possibly a shift dress?!) out of the three or so yards of plain black double knit that I grabbed from Fabrics R Us.

In other news, I start school today! I have a class called Designer Techniques in Sewing, with Rhonda Chaney, the head of the whole Fashion Department. I'm excited! I'm also going to be prepped with a full mug o' coffee cause that class starts at 9 am, and Nicole is picking me up at 8. I am also excited for the following trip around SF and Berkeley to fabric stores with Nicole!

I've been thinking about halloween costumes... and I dunno if this is something i'll consider seriously but.. I'd love to be Malory, from the show Archer on FX. By the way, that show is hilarious. I'm a big fan. Even if I never really be Malory as the costume, I do plan on making a nice sheath tank dress. Maybe even with matching cardigan. ahaha. It looks like it's such a plain dress that it would be a shame to not have it in at least three colors. I'm thinking Black, Emerald, and Lavendar! I need a nice light dress,and Emerald looks so good on me yet nothing in my closet is emerald..

And now I want to go fabric shopping.
Next Time!

Happy Humpday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. you want to be mrs archer?! she's hilarious, don't get me wrong... just... ok. what if you were mrs archer, with a wig, henry was sterling, and i was cheryl?
