don't you love my miss-matched socks? |
I made a dress this time instead of just a top!! This blue knit dress is the dry run for the dress I want to make out of my black double knit. This was also the first run making a skirt from my skirt slopers, and I made them wrong.. I needed to make the darts longer than I did. And with knits I've decided I'm just going to start the pattern pieces with an inch off the side hem.
The knit pieces are always too large because the fabric stretches so much. The left picture shows the extra long darts I put in the skirt to accommodate for my low, big, round butt. The right picture is the finished product!

For the black dress I'll be lowering the neck line just a teensy bit more, and making the straps thinner.
I think i'll wear this dress tomorrow to class! :)
I got some aweeeesooooome earrings in the mail today from
Forever 21. I love big costume-y jewelry and these earrings fulfill all of my big bold earring dreams!
The pink ones are the smallest, and the black ones are obviously the largest!

Cannot wait to wear them all out and about, but I've got to get my ears used to heavier earrings again. Wearing the coral ones for a couple hours made my earlobes feel a bit painful.
Tomorrow starts my Portfolio Development class which lasts all month, and shall hopefully be invaluable!
That's all that's going on in school immediately, but obviously not all that's going on in the world. Can I just say news footage of Chicago looks like friggin RUSSIA! And even my friends in Texas are experiencing negative degrees!! I have rarely been more grateful to live in California, enjoying the wintery 65 degrees. Cheers!